Love & Debate is a drama/romance film released in 2006 based on decisions everyday teenage girls have to make.
It is a story of a young girl who has become the star in the debate club in her high school. Her love for debate was ultimately inspired by watching politicians on television. Her main role-model is Hillary Clinton (before the 2008 elections) and so she follows her foot-steps by joining the Harvard Debate Team.
Jordan Landa is in her senior year of high school when she joins the debate team recommended by a teacher (Sean Astin) who is in charge of the debate team. Soon Jordan realizes she is totally made to pursue a career in the debate world. Living in Miami, a beautiful place, with her family which are a nationality mix of Guamanian and Jewish, her family only wants her to date Latino/Jewish men; Jordan hates the fact she must date what her family begins home and puts her love life on pause. Meanwhile, she is recognized by a Harvard professor for her skills and decides she is a perfect candidate to join the Harvard debate team. In college, she finds out that her love life isn't on pause anymore but is drastically heart-broken after wards. Jordan after all finds comfort in what she loves to do and that is debating but someone from her past shows up,the perfect guy her family desires, and she begins to have feelings for him (Adam Rodriguez). Can she choose between love and debate?